A Flyy-Life Response To The Delivered Queen…(no shade)


By DeoVonte “Deo” Means

On Monday, cyberspace was abuzz with the video clip showing a young gay man attending the COGIC convocation in which somehow he ended up at the altar and over the microphone system announcing that God had just instantly delivered him from homosexuality. The English he spoke was so broken and grammatically incorrect that out of respect for my platform, I chose not to directly quote him, but his school system should be EMBARRASSED, especially his English teachers. As if that wasn’t enough, the national blogs ran the humorous story and labeled him the “Whimsical Anal Annihilator.” To summarize his words, after his instant and new found “deliverance,” he basically stated that within minutes of this sermon, God had some way INSTANTLY delivered him from homosexual inclinations and he would now take this calling and go find himself a “WOMAN!!!” Clad in a lavender, gold and…

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